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Recenzió: Lemon Twist Peach Blossom Limonádé + RPM80 Pro Pod

Mi teszi a Twist Liquids őszibaracklét olyan kiemelkedővé? Egy Lemon Twist Peach Blossom Lemonade kosár édes grúziai őszibarack óvatosan gyűlt össze a perzselő nyári nap alatt, megőrizve a csodálatos meleg és lédús ízét.


Két 60 ml-es pufók Gorilla üveg
70% VG
30% PG
Az USA-ban készült
Elérhető nikotin: 0 mg, 3 mg, 6 mg

A Lemon Twist Peach Blossom Limonádé által készített Lemon Twist E-Liquid érett őszibarack-szeletek és limonádé frissítő keveréke egy üdítő nyári keverékhez.

Vágja ezeket az édes őszibarackot vékony szeletekre, tegye egy üveg kancsóba, és készítsen frissítő italok hullámát mossa le. Ez a kellemes ital egy pohár frissen facsart limonádé, frissítő, édes ízű és egy kissé savanyú citromaroma.

Kapcsolódó pod, amelyet előnyben részesíthet:
RPM80 Pro Pod review

0 Tovább

More like a Fried Butterscotch - FRYD E-Juice Banana's Review

With the development of e-cigarette technology, not only the type of equipment has been continuously increasing, but also the evolution of e-juice from the original pure tobacco taste to the current range of desserts, fruits, mixed complex flavors and many other types of flavors. With the continuous introduction of foreign e-juice, consumers can choose more suitable flavor of imported e-juice according to their taste preferences. However, with the introduction of a large number of foreign e-juice products, a wide variety, so many people are dazzled, I share FRYD E-Juice banana this time for everyone.

The juice comes in 30ml glass bottles with child proof dropper caps. The labels are smartly done but strangely don't actually feature the name of the juice and the only way you can distinguish between them is by the image on the label. All typical information is clearly shown, as are warnings.

The e-juice comes in 30ml glass bottles with child proof dropper caps. The labels are smartly done but strangely don't actually feature the name of the juice and the only way you can distinguish between them is by the image on the label. All typical information is clearly shown, as are warnings.

It was certainly a little weird initially because the juice has this slightly sweet fried banana quality that takes some getting used to but as I continued to vape it the flavour really started to grow on me.

Personally I found that this juice in many ways reminded me of eating a bowl of bananas and custard. There is also a buttery quality to the mix but I didn't really associate with butterscotch because it mainly works in the background adding interest to the flavour and never really stands out. Once in a while you can also pick out the graham cracker flavour notes as you exhale.
In a word, this is a really good flavour and does take a little getting used but give it time and you'll be hooked.

0 Tovább



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